
Daniel Miyares (2015), Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

A young boy and his dad make a boat together, and the boy is excited to take it out in the rain to play. At first, he’s afraid the rain will damage the boat, but soon he’s setting his imagination and the boat free until that boat, like all temporary things in this life, is no longer a boat. The boy is sad until his dad shows him how to make more boats. As a wordless picture book, the message becomes clear through the illustrations alone: every day is a new opportunity to start over and create your new adventure.

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Talk with a child about this book

Why do you think the boy was first afraid of the boat getting rained on?

How did the boy feel when he started letting the boat free and played with it?

When the boy’s boat was lost, how did his dad help him?

Would you like to have the boy as a friend? What kinds of things would you do with this boy?

What would you make for a windy day? What would you make for a snowy day?